


Fig.1 雨の中待てども待てどもバスは来ず

 I was waiting for the bus in the rain, but the bus did not come to the scheduled time.

 The Americans who were waiting together also have been getting annoyed.

 とにかく、このモンゴメリー郡のバスはスケジュール通りに運行することができないようで、RideOn 47 と 37 両方を使ってみましたが、1週間に数回は予定のバスが理由なく運航していなかったりします。
 Anyway, this Montgomery County bus does not seem to be able to operate according to the schedule, I tried using both RideOn Root 47 and 37. However, scheduled buses do not arrive without reason for several times a week.

 運行は MCDOT がしていますが、何度問い合わせても、電話はつながらず、メールは返信が来ないか、または、木で鼻をくくったような自動返信がくるだけです。
 Mission is carried out by MCDOT, but no matter how many times the inquiry is made, the phone will not connect and the reply will not come back, or an automatic reply will appear like a foolish thing.

 Public transportation in the US generally has a low operation level and can not operate as scheduled.

 I think that the United States is not a developed country, but the fact is that it is a developing country.

 Some Americans say that "Make America great again", but the great thing seems like a part of mentality that can become respectable even if you do not understand such facts.


 NIH に留学される方がおられましたら、バスを使わずに通勤できるエリアに住むことを強く、強く、強く、強くお勧めいたします。メトロのレッドライン沿いに住まれるのがよいと思います。
 If you are going to study at NIH, I strongly recommend you to live in an area where you can commute without using a bus. I think that it is better to live along the metro Red line.
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